Charlas plenarias

Professor Charles Meneveau

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PH.D. Charles Meneveau

Tema de la charla:

Using eddy resolving numerical simulations to address important questions for wind energy


In this presentation we examine the questions of wind energy power density and wind farm flow structure from the viewpoint of basic turbulent boundary layer physics and how Large Eddy Simulation (LES) can be used to study such questions. We first consider the limit of very large wind farms on flat terrains or off-shore.  We show how generalized logarithmic velocity profiles can be used to enhance our understanding of wind power density. We then go on to show how simple lifting line theory from classic aerodynamics can be applied to greatly improve on models for yawed wind turbine wakes. Effects of vortex decay due to turbulent diffusion are discussed and we show how to include such effects in simple analytical models for the velocity distribution in wakes. Effects of wind veer are also described. Finally, we summarize efforts to couple local and global boundary layer effects in new-generation wind farm models. The work to be presented arose from the contributions of C. Shapiro (now DOE), G. Starke (now NREL), D. Gayme (JHU), G. Narasimhan (JHU), M. Bastankhah (Durham, UK), S. Shamsoddin (Zürich, CH), M. Howland (now MIT), also based on earlier work with R. Stevens (Twente U, NL), M. Calaf (Utah), and J. Meyers (Leuven, B). We are grateful to the US National Science Foundation for financial support.

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PH.D. Mariano Vázquez

Tema de la charla:

Supercomputación y Humanos Virtuales: mecánica computacional liderando la próxima revolución médica


En esta charla se mostrará como la mecánica computacional en grandes ordenadores representa un elemento decisivo para la tecnología biomédica, acercando esta tecnología tanto al médico como al paciente. Se mostrarán ejemplos en medicina cardiovascular, sistema respiratorio y medicina de la mujer.

Perfil Personal:

Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mariano Vázquez es cofundador y CTO/CSO de ELEM Biotech e investigador del Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Con sede en Barcelona (España), ELEM es una empresa spinoff del BSC. Fue creado con el objetivo de acelerar la transferencia de tecnología del BSC al sector biomédico, mediante la creación de una plataforma basada en supercomputación y desplegada en la nube para realizar ensayos clínicos in-silico en poblaciones masivas de humanos virtuales. Los humanos virtuales son una combinación de datos de pacientes y avanzados modelos matemáticos y computacionales, diseñados para predecir el resultado de diferentes terapias. Desarrollado por BSC, nuestro equipo desarrolla herramientas que permiten estudiar los sistemas cardiovascular y respiratorio, con clientes tanto en el sector de dispositivos médicos como en la industria farmacéutica. Los infartos, el envejecimiento, las válvulas cardíacas dañadas, las arritmias, el diseño de stents o la administración de fármacos respiratorios son algunos de los temas en los que una herramienta de este tipo puede convertirse en una ayuda decisiva.

Mariano Vázquez es Físico de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Doctor en Mecánica Computacional de la Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, en España. Tiene más de 250 artículos sobre mecánica computacional, con un subconjunto importante sobre aplicaciones cardiovasculares.

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PH.D. Marcílio Alvez

Tema de la charla:

Impact Engineering


A summary of the recent advances in the field of impact engineering will be presented.

It includes material failure and dynamic behaviour of basic and complex structures. Some remarks on friction under dynamic conditions will be also discussed.

Perfil Personal:

Marcílio Alves, is a Mechanical Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, being the first student to take the mechanical engineering course at UFSC in nine semesters. He completed his PhD at the University of Liverpool.

He is a Full Professor in the Department of Mechatronic Engineering at the Polytechnic School of USP and Researcher 1B at CNPq, working on the collision of vehicles, ships, planes and on the dynamic characterization of materials.

He has three patents and his scientific production indicates a factor H = 37, with 4000 citations, being one of the 75 most influential researchers at USP [rank plus one all citations 2023].

He is Executive Director of the Fundação Universidade de São Paulo [2022-2025], having coordinated the renovation work from the Ipiranga Museum. He is also Representative of USP Full Professors on USP Council.

He advised the Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade in the area of vehicle safety standards, having been a Brazilian observer at the United Nations in the vehicle safety committee. He was coordinator of the CNPq Mechanical, Naval, Oceanic and Aerospace Engineering Advisory Committee (CA-EM).

He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, author of the book Impact Engineering and of children book.